Here are some testimonials for Ally’s Tantra Training with Tantra Training Academy:
Ally has a sound knowledge of Tantra and years of experience. She took something that was good and made it explosive. She has the ability to help you focus on your goals and motivates you to stay on track and reach for the final result. A fountain of knowledge and precise with instructions and following correct techniques.
It was a pleasure to have this one on one training with her and I’m ready for the advanced training.
Tania, Adelaide 2018
For me, Ally embodies the very heart and spirit of Tantra.
She is a wonderful teacher and through her personal sensitivity and her knowledge of this sacred tradition she promotes a spiritual healing that goes beyond words. Namaste.
Cat, Adelaide 2015
“I met Ally at a workshop for women in 2013 and was taken then by just what a lovely person she was, so when I was thrown into the place of needing an income and wanting to work in an area I loved, I went back to her website. I nervously approached her and was welcomed with warmth, interest and instant guidance. From the first conversation I felt I was on my way.
Much to my great joy, I now have a successful business, a great lifestyle and wonderful new friendships.
Ally has helped me find a way that fills my spiritual, social and financial goals and is sheer pleasure to do.
In the beginning I was not brave or focussed. I was not knowledgeable or able to step forward. I was as stuck as you can be. Ally’s clear focus and ability to see through the barriers I was throwing up helped me take the first step. She helps you to define your abilities and skills and develop new masteries.
She showed me how to build up my self-esteem and fed me healthy visions of myself and my future. My dreams were not built around her but on what I wanted. She doesn’t allow you to become dependent on her but clearly helps you plan each baby step and reward and goal so you become your own success story and you know how to do it for yourself. She helps you find the knowledge you need in yourself to always be successful.

I value the practical things she coached me in, as picking up the phone was harder for me than doing a session. Either way Ally seems to be able to draw from you the best way for you be yourself in your business. She holds your hands while you place the adverts, she shows you the how to greet and meet and how to use a spreadsheet.
And she stays there with you. She continues to help you build your connections with people after the training is complete.
After I paid for my training I have never given the money a second thought. I am happy that I have received more than I paid for, and that I will continue to receive through my business and my continuing connection with Ally, more than I could ever have conceived.”
Jill, Perth, Emerald Tantra Graduate 2013-4
This is a testimonial for my Tantric Massage for Women training with Ally. So the first thing is that Ally comes from the heart so when she’s doing this sacred work with people she is really in her heart and that’s the energy transmission that she gives as an instructor. Ally works from her heart, she connects with people from her heart, she is very generous giving person and that is the energy transmission that I got from her on how to connect with people.
Second point I want to mention is the practical aspect of training. To do this massage you have to remember lots of things and it was actually very easy to learn them because Ally teaches in a very intuitive way and in a way that is custom-made for the student. Well that is how it felt to me. So I learnt it pretty fast. It’s actually all easy to remember because the process is very intuitive and very easy to understand and do it by yourself.
Another thing with working with Ally is that it was fun, we were just having lots of fun. We were joking and laughing for 3 days and it was just an enjoyable experience.
And one last point is the business aspect of the training is how to actually set up the business and how to make it practical, how to do it in a very grounded manner and also how to be integrity with clients. So I would highly recommend you to take this training with Ally if you are considering it
Ally’s coaching helped me to shift beliefs around money and business and I learnt how to get the business running in a very practical and grounded way. I choose my coaches very carefully and my heart was just saying Yes to working with Ally as a business coach and I’m really glad I did. I think Ally is very good at coaching, because of her combination of practicality and the ability to count money combined with a heart centred approach to the business. So if you’re thinking about taking the training with Ally I would highly recommend it.
A 2014 (Ruby Modules 2 and 4)
video link
“The first step in my training was to receive a session from Ally. It was so good, when I opened my eyes my question was: “Can I book a 5 year long session?”
A 2014
It was a weekend I will remember forever. I love you so much, thank you my guru for showing me how to see who I am.
D 2012
Thanks gorgeous people and OMG…..I received a tantra massage today as part of my learning (tough job I know) but what an experience, very hard to explain the feelings but feels surreal, the energy transfer was amazing and having your body buzz from it for an hour or so is amazing and feel more relaxed than from a normal massage. I guess it would be different for everyone but now back tomorrow to learn learn how to give it and share that with others.
“Two weeks ago my life changed forever, I’m now consciously aware of my energy, beautiful healing energy that runs through me. I seem to be now more sensitive to people who add to that energy and those that drain it from me, and the power that is within, wow what a journey life is!”
P 2012